Witch Hat Atelier

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Magics and wonder, tragedies and yearning.

To finish the week I want to discuss a manga that I am happy to say actually exists. This is a fantasy manga that pays no homage to video games or, nay, any particular popular franchise, story, or media. This is a manga drawing inspiration from very traditional magic, while crafting its own original rules at the same time. This is a manga void of romance or even the teasing of such (at least so far: October, 2017), focused instead purely on the characters, their world, and their story. This is Witch Hat Atelier, and it might, objectively speaking, be the best among the manga I’ve written about this week (which is saying a LOT).

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Witch Hat Atelier (とんがり帽子のアトリエ, Tongari Boushi no Atorie, lit “Pointed Hat Atelier”, tagged Δ帽子) is a manga series by Shirahama Kamome (白浜鴎), a woman who has surprisingly few manga in her portfolio given the astounding excellence of this one. Guess I’ll have to check out her other stuff. Nevertheless, apparently she has a lot of experience as a professional artist (for instance drawing variant American comic covers), and as should be obvious from looking it really shows.

Witch Hat Atelier is a story about a naive commoner learning about a society of magic as well as learning how to perform magic herself. At a glance it’s a pretty typical premise, but in truth there’s an interesting twist on magic in this setting. Furthermore, like Yurucamp this series subverts expectations. The way I’d put it very succinctly would be something like… The series could be called “Witch Hat Atelier – Or: Everyone’s a Jerk Except Coco“. Now that’s not entirely true, but unlike most stories where an adorable and/or eager protagonist enters a mysterious magic world, in this one instead of becoming fast friends with several people (or even ONE person) she seriously has a rough time. She seriously has a rough time. What’s more the people around her are more complex than they initially appeared to be, with deep and winding motivations pushing them, and all this is surrounding her while she unknowingly operates as the key player in a grand plot to overturn world order. Damn, this series is a page turner. It’s mean, too; when a chapter ends, you’re gonna want to read the next one immediately. Thank God they sell the magazine it runs in in ebook form, because I couldn’t find Morning Two in a bookstore for the LIFE of me.

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This manga starts very oddly. After mentioning real life things (athletes, astronauts, idols), we’re introduced to the story itself as if it’s a storybook.

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That said the series doesn’t feel like a storybook at all. I’ll just take it as a stylistic choice for an opener. It definitely looks great.

Chapter 1 introduces us to the setting and to Coco (ココ). The world is full of magic in and around everything, but only a few people (called “witches”…though technically the very literal translation is “magic users” or “magicians”) can actually wield it. From what we’re told at the start, you can only be a witch if you’re born with the innate ability. Still, Coco wishes to fully embrace this world of fantasy.

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For the most part, it’s just a nice introduction. Coco’s a little country girl with large, magical dreams. She lives with her mom, who’s her only parent after her father died, and she helps out with tailoring and dressmaking. She’s really rather good at it, too.

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Now then, this is Qifrey (キーフリー). Witch Hat Atelier likes traditions, and in terms of storyline, its is one that generally follows the classic hero’s journey. Qifrey serves as both the “call to adventure” and “meeting the mentor”. Although he doesn’t say so immediately, this strangely dressed man is a witch, and when a magical carriage breaks down nearby, he beseeches Coco to keep people away from the area while he fixes the broken spell on it. He urges that absolutely no one should see him performing magic, so of course Coco spies on him doing magic (one thing about Qifrey: quite ironically, as we’ll learn, he doesn’t really understand kids).

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Here we discover that to perform magic you need to draw something specific. It seems to be an entirely glyph and rune-based magic system. Basically, you draw your spells on paper, clothing, items, whatever (but not living things!!) and can change their function, enchant them, move air or water around, and so on (with the symbols indicating what spell will be crafted, and its specific effects). Coco, who revealed early in the chapter that she’d purchased a picture book of magics when she was even younger from a strange man (but couldn’t use it), naturally wishes to try it out immediately now that she knows what the contents of the book “mean”. She’s not sure if she can do it, but as the opening pages of this article indicate, she actually “casts a spell” as it were. Then, she draws a whole bunch.

Tongari Booshi no Atorie - c001 (v01) - p049 [TSP & Ramsus-kun]Tongari Booshi no Atorie - c001 (v01) - p050 [TSP & Ramsus-kun]

Now everything to this point can be seen as Coco finding and fiddling with Chekhov’s gun (where the gun is the book of magic spells that Qifrey was strangely curious about), but sooner or later messing with such a gun will cause it to fire.

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Having carelessly fiddled with magic for too long (and not realizing that that picture book she bought way back when was actually probably a forbidden grimoire), Coco sets off magic that petrifies her entire house, some area surrounding it, and her mother. Qifrey then explains to us that anyone can use magic with the right tools as long as they draw the correct glyphs and symbols, and that’s precisely why it’s been kept secret. While magic can be useful, it can also be dangerous, and prior to a worldwide alteration of memories, magic had been used for anything from the mundane to murder. Now a closely guarded secret, the remaining society of witches have deemed it so others cannot come to know the truth of magic, and those that do must have their memories erased.

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To avoid being forced to do this in Coco’s case, Qifrey proposes that Coco become one of his students so that she can study magic and hopefully one day learn what it was that petrified her mother, and how to potentially reverse it. There’s another reason for this proposal, but let’s save that for later.

With this, Coco enters apprenticeship to become a witch, and the series properly begins. Now we meet the rest of the cast, Coco begins to learn, and the overall plot of the series starts to reveal itself.

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There are three other students studying under Qifrey at his atelier. They are:
Tetia (テティア), Riche (リチェ), and Agathe (アガット). I’m providing the Japanese pronunciations because it may not be obvious how these names are meant to be said at a glance (they weren’t for me, and originally people were rendering Agathe’s name as Agete so I dunno; nowadays it’s Agott). Anyway, I’ll go through the cast one at a time.

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Look at this girl. She is CUTE.

Tetia is the first student Coco meets, and she’s definitely friendLY with Coco from the getgo, but I’d say it takes a bit for the two of them to really become what I’d call friends. Tetia is happy and cute. Of the four students apprenticing under Qifrey she seems to be the most “normal” so far, not necessarily having a complicated past or a disagreeable personality. She’s fun, and she’s got this silly quirk of thanking people who thank her, as she loves to be thanked. That said she’s believable, not endlessly accepting and nice, which is noticeable in her introduction. That divergence from the norm is a great thing.

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Next is Riche. I can’t actually say much about Riche because she’s yet to receive much focus and she’s rather quiet. As of the latest chapters we’ve learned that, like with several characters in Witch Hat, there’s more to her than there seemed to be at first. For now, think of her as a deadpan funny one, though she has something of a disagreeable personality. Not the most, though. That honor belongs to…

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Reading Witch Hat Atelier has made me realize something about myself: I’m kind of a sucker. “For what?”, you ask? For broody dark characters who warm up to others extremely slowly. Oh yeah. Just like Mei from citrus. Now, Agathe isn’t actually like Mei; she’s a just plain better character, so much so that implying similarity between the two is probably a bit insulting. However, she still is what she is: dark, hardly what you’d call tsundere, and very, very mean. Though with some reason!

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Putting it less kindly, Agathe is a bitch. She’s introduced as Coco’s workshop roommate and she immediately becomes antagonistic toward the newcomer. She doesn’t feel like a bully, she’s just very prickly and extremely driven. She doesn’t like that Coco is entering this world of hard work and practice simply due to circumstance, and she makes it clear that she has no qualms with stating that what happened to Coco’s mother is entirely her own fault. Over time we see the extent of her contempt and nature. She actually sets Coco up for serious injury or even death very early on despite knowing that Coco is untrained, the situation she’s being thrown into is more dangerous than usual, and she wasn’t actually given permission to do it. If you don’t like Agathe, I don’t blame you.

…But as I implied, I’m quite fond of her. I don’t know, this sort of character always hooks me due to the inherent promise of eventually softening up. And do note: this only works for me when it’s more like Vegeta and less like Sasuke (it’s pretty clear that Sasuke is going to be an asshole until the end of the manga, basically). You can probably figure it out quickly if you read closely, but in volume 2 it becomes fairly obvious that Agathe has an inferiority complex stemming majorly from her past (though we still don’t know the exact details behind her younger days). It doesn’t excuse her actions and behavior, but it does a good amount to explain it. Also, irritable as she is she’s still very admirable for her (deserved) confidence and skill, something Coco has noticed (and I’ve noticed she’s noticed, and am already deluding myself into seeing potential yuri). Basically, to me at least, Agathe is incredibly interesting and incredibly cute. Wait what

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I can also kind of understand her being pissy to an extent. The magic in this world is based 100% on study and practice. Like, maybe some skill can come down to it for penmanship, but for the most part you only improve through mental and practical effort. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to cut Coco some slack. After all, she’s really just an unwitting pawn in a grand chess game.

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While the core plot of Witch Hat is “become a witch so you can heal your mother”, in the background (and I’m sure it won’t stay background forever) it’s actually about Coco being used in some mysterious way to possibly forge a rennaissance of magic, returning the world to the way it once was where everyone could use magic and no kinds of it whatsoever were banned (note, apparently that didn’t happen very long ago). The person who sold Coco her book is part of an organization of witches who still remember what it was like when the magic was free and unregulated. And can I mention how I love that this guy’s master plan was explicitly to sell the book? Like, he gives it a sales pitch and everything, rather than just giving it away. That the “antagonist” of this series is quite goofy, yet still foreboding, is something I really love.

Anyway more importantly, these “brimmed hat” (as opposed to “pointed hat”) witches really, really piss of Qifrey. He seems to bear a serious grudge against them, but we don’t know why yet.

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So let’s talk about Qifrey. Qifrey is…a (probably) well-intentioned person who does bad things. Well-intentioned because the fact is, I’m really not sure at all that I can call him objectively good. Honestly speaking, he borders on dirtbag tier and that much is actually something you can catch as early as the first chapter.

Basically, I don’t know how much Qifrey actually cares about his students, or anyone for that matter. I’m pretty sure that he has, like, no value for Coco at least. He genuinely doesn’t give a toss about her or her life. What’s valuable about Coco is what she potentially knows. Like, listen, it could be I’m being too harsh on him, but when he thinks stuff like this

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after learning his newest student could be dead, I kind of have to stop and go “what the fuck, Qifrey”. Other characters notice how awfully hardheaded he can be about his convictions and goals, and his duplicitous nature shows itself fairly often (like being thankful for Coco enjoying magic outwardly because she’s happy, but truthfully just thinking “thank god I still have a lead here, it’d be a problem if she hated magic”). I wouldn’t say Qifrey is an antagonist, but he’s certainly troubling. There’s probably some very significant reason he stays far outside the society of witches’ eyes for all his work and tutelage. Perhaps he feels that what he intends to do isn’t necessarily what everyone wants. What does he intend to do? It seems to be taking down or finding out more about the brimhat witches, but that’s all I can figure out. Anyway, Qifrey is definitely way into magic, and maybe he even likes his students, but there’s too much suspicious crap associated with him to ignore.

All in all, it’s a really fantastic cast this series has. So, how about the setting?

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It probably goes without saying that a fantasy tale is nothing without its setting, but hey look at the isekai genre as a whole (oh boy, oh golly, it’s just like my video games again). The setting in Witch Hat Atelier seems very well-realized, and worldbuilding is dolled out slowly rather than all at once. There are a lot of unusual things about this world in the first place (like weird animals), but when taking into account its magic system things get even weirder.

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Basically, magic is only possible through the use of special ink, and this fact alone got me thinking a lotta thoughts. This means that while magic courses through the world regardless of mankind’s intervention, humans can’t do anything with it without this specific ink. My first thought: it must be limited. Second: what’s the economy like? Third: is it really ONLY this ink that works? Many of these questions have yet to be answered, but again information doesn’t come out all at once in this series, just over time. I’m really curious about this, because I feel if the ink didn’t matter from a story perspective, then any ink at all would work. I can already picture an arc focused on a shortage of ink or something. Just neat.

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And speaking of arcs, Witch Hat seems to operate on them. The story is made of little arcs, typically involving an ordeal of some kind. During these, the most important characters are consistently Coco (of course) and Agathe, and we are witness to lots of magic used in creative ways. What I’m saying after all this is that this manga is really, really good and there’s a whole fuggin’ lot to like about it.

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Want a good old fantasy? Definitely read it. Want to just look at incredible art (and, in case you missed it, fantastic paneling)? Well, it’s there. Read it. READ THIS!

Thankfully there are simple ways to do this. Want to buy the volumes? Check out CDJapan, bookwalker (guide), honto (guide), or ebookjapan. Want to buy the latest issues of Morning Two, which the series runs in? Ebookjapan again. Specifically it comes out on the 21st or 22nd of every month. Also, check out the author’s twitter, @shirahamakamome.

That review certainly took me a while… Thanks for reading. Alright, hope you enjoy the manga. See ya!

39 thoughts on “Witch Hat Atelier

  1. The art is absolutely captivating, I love it! I’d only read the first two chapters – will definitely be reading the rest at some point. I am an absolute sucker for well written fantasy, it is definitely one of my favourite genres.

    Speaking of which, have you read or watched Made in Abyss? It’s absolutely mindblowing how good it is.

    • Then you really outta dig this one. As for Made in Abyss, I’ve been trying to read it for years. I’ve never gotten far enough to say “it’s not my cup of tea” or “it’s my jam” though I guess I can say at least I don’t have much interest in the premise. Honestly don’t know why. At all angles it seems good but I wonder if it’s not for me. Every time I try reading it I lose interest for some reason. I’ll keep trying. It’s not as though I dislike the series.

    • I hope this manga can reach overseas, I have followed her twitter account since the very first time I saw any of her art. There’s a publisher in my country that is going to release Totsukuni no Shoujo (The Girl From the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún) so I’m positivive about With Hat Atelier being licensed here.

      Lately the publishers are licensing lots of unknown manga artists.

  2. I’m currently reading this manga and I really like it. The first chapter is amazing and so interesting that we want to learn more about magic, about Coco’s training to become a real witch, and if she’ll be able to correct her mistake (no spoilers lol).

    Although there’s a group of girls, this is different from typical magical girls series. No moe, no flashy dresses… I like their group, especially Coco and Tetia. Riche is a good character too. I’m not fond of Agete but she’s an interesting character. And Qifrey, well, don’t know what I should think about him since he’s mysterious but I love his design. The style is unique and wonderful.

    Sorry for not reading your review entirely since I’ve only read 6 chapters and I don’t want to read spoilers.

    I hope the manga will be released in French, or at least in English so I could buy the volumes because I don’t understand Japanese. I really enjoy this series.

    • There are no actual spoilers in the review, so you can read the whole thing if you want. While it uses a few images from later chapters none of them actually give anything away/are significant. Heck, I didn’t even show off Coco’s first test (specifically because I like how it’s revealed). I don’t do spoilers on this site.

      But yeah, it’s great. The characters don’t feel standard at all, the closest to standard being Tetia. Even Coco is a bit unusual in that she’s quite studious and eager to learn forbidden magic, although she seemed purely childish to start (she can still be pretty childish, though, which is great; there’s a lot of cute “OMG MAGIC” moments from her)

      • Thanks for your answer. I was afraid when I saw pictures from chapters I haven’t read yet. But now I can read the whole review =)
        I also liked how they revealed Coco’s first test. I enjoy everything in this manga, especially Coco’s character and her reactions towards magic, but also how their world is depicted. It’s really original according to me.

  3. Jewel Watts says:

    Does anyone know if this releases monthly? I really love this series but I have no idea when the release dates are and I don’t know how to buy a copy of the magazine it serializes in. Also is it releasing in English anywhere? I do know a good bit Japanese-just enough to read some manga- however it’s a bit challenging at times for me to read and I really prefer English.

  4. Aquasakura says:

    I just learn about this manga yesterday while checking the manga I followed. At first I was thinking this manga had some connections to a video game series with “Atelier” in the title, but I quickly saw that was not the case (the cover art does not look like the one typically use in that game series). However from reading the summery and viewing the first few pages it looked like a story I would like. Besides it being a fantasy which is one of my favorite genres the theme this story seemed like to was going to share resonates with me. The idea of a person pursuing ones dreams while while overturning the society that limits those around them for following what they want to do with their life. Also, I would agreed the art does look fantastic. It has this story book like look to it. Thinking about it have not seen art like this in a long time.

    I would like to read this story, but I can’t read Japanese at the present, and it seems whoever is translating the books does not have a consistent time for uploading. Still, the fact I can get an ebook of this I might buy the volumes to read whenever I learn to read Japanese. It’s either that or hopefully a publishing company picks it up.

    • I am happy you’ve discovered it. It really is great, and in my opinion continues to get better. The Atelier series seems pretty good too, but I’ve only played Ayesha which I hear is rather different from most of the other entries.

  5. actually saw the review thread on batoto first after seeing this manga at the top of the ratings, and I gotta say, just seeing a “thus I reviewed” nowadays is enough to make me give a manga a shot lol

  6. Finally read this after having it bookmarked for so long. The art is absolutely breathtaking. The panels in particular are very well thought out and well drawn (the scene where Qifrey opens the window and waves come crashing in — I could have sworn I actually heard the waves when I was reading).

    Would you happen to know any more manga like this? Gorgeous art, lovable MC, immersive setting. Absolute page-turner for me.

    • This specific sort of manga is kind of a rarity. Dunno what else I could recommend off the top of my head. Unsounded comes to mind. Not a manga, though: a webcomic. I’ve reviewed it. It has a highly detailed setting, though how lovable the MC is depends on your tastes. Definitely great art at least.

  7. Sem says:

    I’m so happy to see you write about this!! I picked it up based on the cover art as soon as the first chapter was scanlated, and fell in love with it so quickly that I’d started buying up volumes as soon as they came out! This is as always, a really great summary of the joys this manga has to offer.
    I’m really gald you touched on Qifrey’s nature and also Shirahama-sensei’s paneling!! Those were the two things in the first chapter that really made me feel as if Tongari Boshi no Atelier was going to be a standout amongst its peers. Shirahama Kamome handles the black/white balance in her drawings extremely well and manages to convey perfectly the sense of tone and detail she needs. The way Qifrey’s drawn flops between sparkly teacher and a more sinister figure effortlessly and it still gives me chills. Page 54 of chapter 1 is still one of my favorite scenes for how Shirahama portrays Qifrey taking off into flight. The sense of motion is so incredible and easy to follow.

    I love this manga ;-;

    • Thank you very much~

      And yeah, I’m not usually compelled to speak of art since it often speaks for itself, but the amount of subtlety and extreme detail in her drawings is very easy to miss, yet you’ll probably be aware of what she’s doing unconsciously. It’s legitimately incredible. Like I said in the review, I am very happy it exists.

  8. This is one of the, or perhaps THE, most art-intensive manga I’ve ever seen. I did get a good dozen chapters into it before dropping it due to boredom and lack of agreement with the general storyline, plot elements and whatever else. The art, however, was amazing. That alone deserved a high score. It’s beautiful even if the story itself is lacking. It’d be cool if this artist did a collaboration with a good story writer because while the story wasn’t horrible it certainly wasn’t really that good, otherwise I wouldn’t have dropped it because I couldn’t stand how stupid it was. Not with how gorgeous the art was.

    • I like it’s simplicity and what odd things it does with its mentor. I’d say she’s a good story writer. It definitely feels art first, but I ate the series up once I was able to read it all mainly due to the characters and the plot.

      • I just like to nit-pick on details. Sometimes I just get obstinate and can’t drop things, which is a big part of why I tend to be unable to enjoy some stuff. I didn’t use to be like this several years back, but nowadays some things annoy me half to death to the point where one perhaps not that vital detail can leave me dropping something.

        Well, this is more common in novels where you read for days or weeks. Very common that I have to drop stuff due to, for example, bad chinese romance. I didn’t have any issues with it as I started reading it, but it’s as if I’ve become allergic to most of it and I feel afraid and jittery as soon as a female is introduced(it’s usually in the form of being introduced several hundred chapters in or having no progress whatsoever yet somehow suddenly ending up with the mc and they’re acting like they’ve been lovers for hundreds of years). You know, that unnatural stuff that just feels forced and unreal.

        How did I even start about that… Well, the point is, I can get caught up on details sometimes when I see that things just doesn’t add up. When I see one thing, I start looking for more and this manga was kind of riddled with it even if the story itself had a kind of cozy mood and awesome art :D

        • I wonder what you mean by not adding up. I’d imagine stuff like Coco being allowed to study magic, Agathe almost killing her, or how Quifrey remains quiet about most of what he does or something, but it mostly feels believable to me. The only thing I’d say “that’s BS” too would be the moment when magic police decide they want to erase a character’s mind on the spot for SUSPICION of forbidden magic use, abandoning questioning or investigation. It’s meant to make them antagonistic, but they just look stupid. If you were wrong, you’d erase an innocent mind. If you were right, you’d never understand how they came across forbidden magic and thus couldn’t prevent it in the future.

        • Ah, I didn’t read that far in, I don’t even remember how many chapters I read. Perhaps things would’ve been explained later on. From what I do remember, some of my issues was something about the quite weird situation about how she was almost screwed over to death by that girl after arriving at the witch’s place and then I just felt that the magic system was unnatural and there were some points in it that I just couldn’t agree with or feel as being possible.

          It was a while ago when I read it and I was mainly mesmerized by the artwork(which was really amazing for a manga or even in general, seriously). Sorry that I can’t provide a more detailed explanation. I just remember that some parts felt very forced and unnatural to me and kept on bothering me and that I didn’t really manage to get immersed so it was a bit boring to me.

        • Yeah, but even magic has rules and… Well, whatever. Using logic on magic has never been the most logical thing to do. It still bothered me and rather than the magic system itself, it was probably more about the humans and how they utilized this system.

          After nudging my memory into motion, I seem to recall something. I think that one part of what I disliked is the explanation to why magic was only available to these particular witches. Wasn’t it summed up as something like “only these witches can use it because they restrict the circulation tightly” but then there’s the fact that magic in this particular world could be used by anyone and everyone as long as they just happen to write the correct symbols by sheer luck, right? Was there even any special herbal mixes or solutions or anything needed to work its magic? Even if there was, this stuff couldn’t possibly be secret to the extent of not being found out by sheer dumb luck in a world filled with so many people and the knowledge of magic existing(which would make people try).

          Can’t just yell “brainwashing” and “control” and pretend that everything would be fine when the magic is so easily used by anyone who just happens to find out how a rune looks or perhaps how to mix together something, right?

          It’s not that it’s completely and utterly impossible under the optimal circumstances, but it just feels very forced to me. But that wasn’t all, I just can’t remember the rest in detail.

        • >as there even any special herbal mixes or solutions or anything needed to work its magic?

          There is.

          >Can’t just yell “brainwashing” and “control” and pretend that everything would be fine when the magic is so easily used by anyone who just happens to find out how a rune looks or perhaps how to mix together something, right?

          This is why nobody performs magic openly, and instead they tend to prepare or inscribe magic beforehand. It’s basically said that breaking those rules gets people to come down on you and wipe memories. You say you can’t yell that, but they used a spell to change the minds of the entire world, as far as we know. Why wouldn’t it be possible to catch a few dissenters? And that said, there are people outside of their control, trying to free magic.

        • Hmm, yeah. I didn’t stick around far enough to see that, but it just struck warning chords with me and then the fact that I didn’t really enjoy the general way the story was going even from the start. The artwork drew me in, which is pretty amazing. I mean, I love good artwork and that can enhance a work but I normally don’t care at all about artwork in a manga since that’s not what it’s supposed to be about normally, but this was a special one. It should be seen by everyone, no matter if they want to continue reading it or not.

          I guess the story wasn’t for me in the first place, so my arguments might come across as empty. I realize that if I did like the general way the story was going from the start, I wouldn’t mind minor issues like these. I just didn’t manage to get immersed nor did I like the story much other than the art(it was a bit cute and interesting though with in-depth explanations which I appreciate) and we all know it’s a bit easier to be search for flaws then, haha.

  9. I’m glad you mentioned how good the panelling is in this series. A lot of reviews I’ve seen mention the art (which is amazing) but I think the actual layouts are A+. I can’t wait for volume 4 to come out, I’ve had it preordered since I finished volume 2.

  10. Abby Normal says:

    That was such a beautifully written (and illustrated) review. What would you recommend that I read while I wait for the next volume to release? Thank you!

  11. Thank you very much!
    A recommendation based on this…? That’s a bit tough. There don’t tend to be very many (good) “Western fantasy”-styled manga, I think. I might recommend giving Nina-san no Mahou Seikatsu a look, though there isn’t much out and the pace is rather sluggish.

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